About Dave

Thanks for visiting my website and for clicking here to learn more about me.

I am an author and a jazz musician. In 2013, I created a website called Retire Fabulously!, and I have published three books about retirement lifestyle planning (which, of course, you should buy).

A few years ago, I pivoted to writing gay-themed fiction. I’ve published five novels in a series called “Gay Tales for the New Millennium.” The sixth book is due to be released on September 27, 2024. Visit AuthorDaveHughes.com to learn more about my novels (which, of course, you should also buy).

Aside from writing, I’m also a jazz musician. My primary instrument is trombone and I am usually involved in several local jazz big bands.

In 2019, I began learning a new instrument I had been wanting to learn for years: the steelpan. I also play electric bass, although not so much in recent years.

As for demographics, I’m a 67-year-old gay man living in sunny Phoenix, Arizona.  I’m married to a wonderful man named Jeff and we have one dog named Maynard (named after the legendary jazz trumpet player, Maynard Ferguson).